Monday, November 2, 2009

Loving Crazy Love

Thanks to the One2One network, I received a free copy of Michael Buble's new album, Crazy Love. I love Michael Buble's voice, and I'd heard this album was full of remakes of some classic love songs - so even though it's crazy hectic at our house with a new baby I wanted to participate.

Most of the songs stay pretty true to the original version, which I personally prefer. I love several of the tracks and I like them all. Crazy love is one of only a handful of albums I enjoy listening to all the way through, and it's been on repeat in my van since it arrived. My favorite tracks are Crazy Love, Baby, At This Moment, and Stardust. I highly recommend this album, and if you're interested, you can purchase it here.



Sara said...

I could put his voice on a cracker and snack on it every day.

Anonymous said...

I just saw him on the Rachel Ray show and it was quite amusing -thanks for the review!