Monday, November 2, 2009

Loving Crazy Love

Thanks to the One2One network, I received a free copy of Michael Buble's new album, Crazy Love. I love Michael Buble's voice, and I'd heard this album was full of remakes of some classic love songs - so even though it's crazy hectic at our house with a new baby I wanted to participate.

Most of the songs stay pretty true to the original version, which I personally prefer. I love several of the tracks and I like them all. Crazy love is one of only a handful of albums I enjoy listening to all the way through, and it's been on repeat in my van since it arrived. My favorite tracks are Crazy Love, Baby, At This Moment, and Stardust. I highly recommend this album, and if you're interested, you can purchase it here.


Friday, October 16, 2009

Family Health Items - Resourses for WXIX Product Reviews

Welcome Fox 19 viewers, thanks for stopping by! While you're here, please take a look around. If you like what you see, I'd love it if you'd subscribe! Below you'll find a description of each product from today's segment and links for each website.

Didn't get a chance to see my segment on Fox 19 this morning? I'll try and get some video up soon. I had the chance to talk about a few family health related products that were sent to me for the segment.

Scroll to the bottom to learn how you can enter to win some of these products!

Auto Air Tamer
The Auto AirTamer plugs into any 12 volt power socket in your vehicle and uses advanced electrostatic purification technology to create cleaner air. The AirTamer cleans air in total silence, without filters. The AirTamer can be purchased online, via phone at 1-866-625-3218 or at retailers throughout North America.

Mouthwatcher Nano Silver Antibacterial Toothbrush

You've probably heard horror stories about the nasty bacteria that lives in your toothbrush. The Mouthwatchers brush has antibacterial particles in each bristle, eliminating 99% of bacteria. To learn more or purchase this product, visit

Aqua Jogger

The AquaJogger is an in-water exercise system that allows people to jog and do other aerobic exercise in-water. The Aquajogger comfortably suspends users at shoulder level in deep water allowing them to breathe normally and move freely while performing a wide variety of water exercise. You can learn more and purchase AquaJogger products here.

VitaClay Multicooker

The VitaClay multicooker combines the benefits of clay pot cooking and the convenience of a fully programmable slow cooker. For more information and to buy this product, visit the VitaClay website.

Allergy Free Passport

Allergy Free Passport is a how-to guide that instructs people with food sensitivities or allergies how to eat what they want, where and when they want. It provides a full range of info about cuisines, ingredients and preparations, as well as what questions to ask and how to ask them. To learn more, visit the Allergy Free Passport website.

The Thermacell is non-toxic and DEET-free, and 98% effective for keeping mosquitoes and other insects away. It is a outdoor patio lantern and mosquito repellent device in one. You can find more information here.

I will be giving away one Auto AirTamer, one Nano Silver Toothbrush, and one collection of books and pamphlets from Allergy Free Passport. To enter, please let me know what product you would most like to win and why. I will choose 3 winners at random and will do my best to pair prizes as requested. I need to be able to contact you if you win, so make sure I have your email address either from your profile or in your comment.

For extra entries, you can:

1) Follow me (@psmom) on twitter and tweet about this contest. Be sure to let me know in a separate comment.

2) subscribe to Problem Solvin Mom and leave a comment letting me know.

*disclaimer* These product samples were sent to me free of charge to showcase on the Fox morning show. I was not paid to appear on the program. This post includes product descriptions from the manufacturers. For products that are not being given away, I will follow up with a review once I've had time to spend more time reviewing them. Contest open to entrants in the contingent US only, as I'm paying shipping myself. My apologies to those of you who live further away!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Story Time Felts review & giveaway

Have you noticed that the less a toy does, the more a child imagines and explores as she plays with it? Besides the general annoyance of loud toys, I really do think Sweetpea gets more out of the ones that do less. That's why I was really excited when Karen Clark of Story Time Felts sent me a sample of their Girl Dress Me Bear to review. As a huge fan of paper dolls and fashion plates growing up, I was so excited to introduce the Dress Me Bear to Sweetpea. She loves it just as much as I'd hoped she would!

The Dress Me Bear comes with 20 pieces of clothing and four weather scenes for the window. So far while playing with Sweetpea and her Story Time Felt we have worked on our colors, matching colors of various clothing items, placement of clothes in the correct location, and the appropriate clothes for different types of weather. In addition, the open ended nature of this toy allows her to use her imagination to create stories and practice her every growing vocabulary.

Prices are very reasonable (there are many options available for under $30) and this is a toy that can really grow with your child for many years. It's also something we will likely take with us on trips to keep Sweetpea occupied - the felt itself keeps her occupied for long spans of time, and flipping it over provides her the perfect surface for playing with coloring books or "reading" her books in the car.

Karen was nice enough to offer a $25 gift certificate for one lucky reader - just visit the Story Time Felts site and let me know your favorite product, or a suggestion if you have one and don't see it featured on the site. I'll draw determine a winner using on June 14th - make sure I have a way to contact you if you win!

For additional entries (each additional entry should be a separate comment) you can:

*Spread the word about this giveaway on Twitter and leave the link to your tweet
*Stumble this giveaway and leave a comment letting me know your user id
*Write a blog post about this giveaway and leave me the link

Thanks again to Karen for sharing her great products with us - good luck, I hope you win!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Purse n All Expressions Fashion Flip - Trendy and Timesaving!

One thing I struggle with when I'm going out or the seasons are changing is switching reason is because I'm terrible at purging my purse. Things accumulate and until I run out of room for something important, I usually don't take the time to organize and remove the unnecessary items. When I switch purses, I often leave items in the purse that is being shelved - often leading to my forgetting where the item is when I need it, or the purchase of duplicate items and the wasting of money.

During my organizing research, I came across the Fashion Flip purse by Purse N All Expressions. How exciting to find a trendy multitasking purse that adapts with the seasons and never needs changed out! (just purged occasionally...I'm working on getting better at that!)

The Fashion Flip is actually 5 handbags in one, though there are 2 main components - a base and a cover. The base is a basic solid color zippered bag with a removable strap. The cover is a reversible bucket type bag that slides over your base for added storage and flair!

Here are the 5 looks you can accomplish from this single bag:
  • wear the base alone for an understated look
  • add a flip cover to the base
  • reverse the flip cover for a totally different look
  • use the flip cover alone as a casual tote
  • reverse the flip for a totally different casual look
The Fashion Flip saves time by providing versatility - great for the woman on the go, a busy mom, or the fashionista that always wants to coordinate! Visit the Fashion Flips website to get yours today!